Was sind Ihrer Meinung nach die größten Hürden im Studium?
When I was studying, I often struggled with imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome can make students doubt their abilities, lead to anxiety, and stop them from asking questions. My advice is to take a second to remember that you’ve come through the same adversities as your colleagues—your place is well-earned.
Was macht Ihnen in Ihrer Lehre am meisten Spaß?
Definitely the packaging of complex topics into anecdotes that students can relate to. It can be a lot of fun and really helps students connect with and understand the underlying scientific principles.
Was benötigt es Ihrer Meinung nach um die Fakultät für Chemie zukunftsfit zu halten?
I think it’s important that the Faculty continues to expand into areas like sustainable chemistry and circular engineering. By prioritising research and teaching that address environmental challenges and resource efficiency, the faculty can position itself as a leader in developing sustainable solutions for society.